Barnabas, the Apostle
Prepared by:
Ahmad Shammazadeh
Barnabas /ˈbɑːrnəbəs/ (Greek: Βαρνάβας), born Joseph, was an early Christian, one of the prominent Christian disciples in Jerusalem.[2] According to Acts 4:36 Barnabas was a Cypriot Jew. Named an apostle in Acts 14:14, he and Paul the Apostle undertook missionary journeys together and defended Gentile converts against the Judaizers.[3] They traveled together making more converts (c 45–47), and participated in the Council of Jerusalem (c 50).[4] Barnabas and Paul successfully evangelized among the "God-fearing" Gentiles who attended synagogues in various Hellenized cities of Anatolia.[2]
Barnabas' story appears in the Acts of the Apostles, and Paul mentions him in some of his epistles.[3] Tertullian named him as the author of the Epistle to the Hebrews,[3] but this and other attributions are conjecture.[5] Clement of Alexandria and some scholars have ascribed the Epistle of Barnabas to him, but his authorship is disputed.[6][7]
Although the date, place, and circumstances of his death are historically unverifiable, Christian tradition holds that Barnabas was martyred at Salamis, Cyprus, in AD 61. He is traditionally identified as the founder of the Cypriot Orthodox Church. The feast day of Barnabas is celebrated on June 11.[3]
Barnabas is usually identified as the cousin of Mark the Evangelist on the basis of Colossians 4.[8] Some traditions hold that Aristobulus of Britannia, one of the Seventy Disciples, was the brother of Barnabas.
The Muhammadans have also a Gospel in Arabic, attributed to saint Barnabas, wherein the history of Jesus Christ is related in a manner very different from what we find in the true Gospels, and correspondent to those traditions which Muhammad has followed in his Quran. Of this Gospel the Moriscoes in Africa have a translation in Spanish; and there is in the library of Prince Eugene of Savoy, a manuscript of some antiquity, containing an Italian translation of the same Gospel, made, it is to be supposed, for the use of renegades. This book appears to be no original forgery of the Muhammadans, though they have no doubt interpolated and altered it since, the better to serve their purpose; and in particular, instead of the Paraclete or Comforter, they have, in this apocryphal gospel, inserted the word Periclyte, that is, the famous or illustrious, by which they pretend their prophet was foretold by name, that being the signification of Muhammad in Arabic; and this they say to justify that passage in the Quran where Jesus Christ is formally asserted to have foretold his coming under his other name Ahmed, which is derived from the same root as Muhammad and of the same import.[10] From the link
Related verse of Holy Qur’n added to this article by Ahmad Shammazadeh:
O’ Children of Israel! Indeed I am apostle of Allah to you. To confirm what is before me of the Torah, and to give the good news of an apostle, who will come after me, whose name is Ahmad. Yet when he brought them manifest proofs, they said, ‘this is a plain magic’ (Surat Al-Saff: 6) (Qur’an’s translation in English by: Ali Quli Qarai)
Barnabas has gathered and written a Bible on his time, as like as four famous bibles, but because he proofs the Mohammad’s prophecy in his bible, fathers of Christian Church put it aside from the beginning of progressing of Christianity, to prevent Christians to know Barnabas story!!